Can’t find it? Try these steps

So here are four tricks to quickly find things you’ve lost . . . whether it’s your phone, keys, remote, headphones, or baby.  Actually maybe not the last...

Dolly brings the star power!

A Hall of Fame lineup for her cover of ‘Let It Be’. Her album ‘Rockstar’ will be out Nov. 17th

Want some booze with your waffles?

If you shy away from buying Eggo waffles because they don’t seem ADULT enough . . . they’re now elevating the experience in a way that you can’t...

This was probably the last thing she expected

There you are, just doing a little sewing video…then THIS happened (fast forward to the 8 min mark)

He saved their honeymoon!

Just when this couple thought all hope was lost. They got an assist of a lifetime.

Dolly sings ‘We Are The Champions’

We still have to wait until Nov. 17th to get Dolly’s ‘Rockstar’ album. However, she has given us another song that will be on it.

Cody Johnson & Reba!

They joined forces during CMA Fest

If you have one, it could mean $$$ for you!

Still holding onto some old technology? You may want to start looking for it if you do. Specifically, a first generation Iphone. The very first version was only 4...

Are you up for trying this?

Next time you get a craving for a cheese”burger” in Thailand, stop by the local Burger King. Oh yeah, they left the “burger” part out of t...

New Tim McGraw song

From his upcoming album ‘Standing Room Only’ that will be out Aug. 25th

Dolly gives us 2 more songs

From her upcoming album ‘Rockstar’ which will be out Nov. 17th

Would this be on your bucket list at 100?

Hopefully, by the time you reach triple digits you’ve done almost everything in life you ever wanted. This lady in England was turning 100 and had just one ...

Willie celebrates his 90th birthday!

It was a star studded event over the weekend as some of the biggest names in music hit the stage in one night to salute Willie Nelson. His friends included Neil Y...

Good omen, or good grief–‘You’re Crazy!’

In China, it it believed that bees bring you good fortune. If that’s the case, then this guy will be crazy rich!

Have you almost died?

You never know when your time is up. What do you think this guy was thinking just moments after he left the laundromat and THIS happened! They say a lighter left ...

Why is this Missouri eagle going national?

Murphy is a bald eagle and living his best days at the Wild Bird Sanctuary outside St. Louis. Murphy found a rock and ever since then built a nest around this roc...


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