It’s Always A Winner!

Emerald green filled the streets as far as the eye could see, and the air was alive with the sound of music. A St. Patrick’s Day parade was underway, a cele...

The Sound Of A Steel Guitar Can Make You Weep

Ah, the pedal steel guitar. As a lover of all things country music, I can tell you that there is nothing quite like the sound and tone of this instrument. The ped...

One, Two, Three Strikes You’re Out

As we get closer to opening day, there’s nothing quite like the experience of going to a Major League Baseball game. From the crack of the bat to the roar o...

Sometimes Going Old School Just Tastes Better

As a lover of food and all things delicious, there are few things in this world that bring me as much joy as the simple pleasure of popping popcorn right off the ...

Sharing A Bowl Of Ice Cream With The Dog On My Lap

The cool, refreshing sensation of mint chocolate chip ice cream melting on your tongue is a pleasure unlike any other. It’s the perfect combination of sweet...

I Have No Idea When It’s The Best Time

If you’re a resident of Springfield area, and you’re interested in planting a small garden in your backyard, you might be wondering when is the best t...

The Early Bird Gets The Seeds

As I sit sipping my morning coffee, I can’t help but glance over at the bird feeder in my backyard. It’s a simple thing, just a small cedar feeder fil...

The Only Way To Eat M&M’s

As I sat down with my bag of M&M’s, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. But before I could indulge in the sweet, colorful candies, I...

You Call It Quirky, Chris Kennedy Calls It…

I have a feeling I might have a few ‘Quirks’, or as I like to call them…’personality enhancements’.  Yeah, I like that term a lot better. If I get a ne...

Looking For Love In All The Right/Wrong Places

Looking for love can be a challenging and daunting task, but a 43-year-old man in Wisconsin took a unique approach to finding his soulmate. Instead of relying on ...

Sunday afternoon, I decided I was in need of a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of my everyday work life.

As I walked along the trails at Valley Water Mill Park this past Sunday, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of nature. The lea...

Deciding if I want something savory, or something sweet, is the most difficult part of my day.

If you’re a bit of a foodie like me, you know that a great meal can make your day. That’s why I was curious about how many restaurants there are in Sp...

Would you do this?

An unmentioned men’s magazine thought it would be a good idea to ask about your feelings about a woman’s purse. Question: would you hold a woman’s p...

A Few Important Things To Remember

Here are some thoughts on how to keep your relationship, and yourself, happy and balanced from some really smart guy named Barton Goldsmith, he has a Ph.D. so he ...

When putting together your food ideas for your Super Bowl Party this year, there are some foods that aren’t the best on your party platter.

The Super Bowl is a huge yearly event that brings people together to cheer on the Chiefs…or their other favorite team. Some of us spend the day thinking/tal...

I call it the “butt”, but when you pull out the first slice of bread from the loaf, what do you call the end piece?

Bread is an everyday food that so many of us eat every single day, but a lot of people might not know the specific term for its end parts. And the people who do, ...


The termites are local. So is the guy that eliminates them. 5 star services from Steve's Pest Control Learn More